Thank you so much for your gift.

Your tax-deductible donation helps build safe, dry homes and provides relief in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Haiti. If you would like to support our work, click “Donate” below. Thank you!

To donate via PayPal, simply click below.


How do I donate non-cash items?

Is my information secure?

  • Yes. We host our website through, which provides top level security, including SSL encryption of all of our pages. Our custom domain "" covers the true URL at our host, "," but this https security is present for every page of our website. In additional, our donation service provider, uses the highest level of encryption available, 256 bit SSL encryption. This is the same level of protection used by banks and financial institutions.

Do you accept PayPal?

  • Yes, we do. Simply click the yellow donate button on the top right of this page to be redirected to PayPal.